Lola Lasurt
( Barcelona, 1983 )
'Trabajo aspectos del des-tiempo, normalmente con el tiempo justo anterior al mío, con las paradojas de una época que tenia que suponer muchos cambios. Esquivo la doctrina histórica y llevo a cabo un análisis del pasado reciente como una empresa abierta y auto-crítica con proyectos se formalizan a través de la instalación pictórica, el vídeo, trabajos editoriales y por medio de procesos colaborativos. Todo ello contribuye a una reorganización de la historiografía a través de una arqueología de los medios -con un énfasis especial en el quehacer pictórico como punto de partida y primera tradición- desde una perspectiva micro-política y performativa que me lleva a plantear todo mi trabajo como un ejercicio de reenactment.'
Licenciada en Bellas Artes por la Universidad de Barcelona, con un postgrado en Estética y Teoría del Arte por a la UAB, finaliza estudios en el Departamento de Arte y Humanidades del Royal College of Art (UK).
Ha sido artista residente en HISK, Gante (BE); Greatmore Art Studios, Cape Town (SA), La Ene, Buenos Aires (AR); Kunsthuis SYB (NL), el Frans Masereel Centrum (BE), L'Espai EArt y Hangar (SP).
Nominada al Young Belgian Art Prize’15/ BOZAR Bruselas, ha recibido el Premio Miquel Casablancas'15/ Sant Andreu Contemporani, el Premio Biennal d’Art de Valls'17/ Fundación Guasch Coranty, el tercer premio de la 15ª Mostra de Arte Naturgy'18/ MAC A Coruña, la Beca Generación'18/ Fundación Montemadrid y la Beca Leonardo'19 a Investigadores y Creadores Culturales/ Fundación BBVA.
'I work with displaced time aspects, very often with the time just before I was born, with the paradoxes of an epoch that was to suppose lots of changes. It coincides with the political transition from dictatorship to democracy in Spain but it characterizes as paradigm-shifting in politics and society, as well as art around the world, and has a complicated relationship to how we construct our own identity nowadays in the context of late democracy. My projects involve an open non-theological undertaking of history formalizing through the use of different media; it can be painting, video, editorial components or collaborative processes. They contribute to the re-organization of historiography built from a media-archaeology and a performative viewpoint on micro-politics that can pose my work as a reenactment exercise.'
With a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Art by the University of Barcelona, and a postgraduate in Aesthetics by the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, actually finishing studies at the Arts and Humanities Department of The Royal College of Art (UK).
She has been artist in residence at HISK, Ghent (BE); La Ene, Buenos Aires (AR); Greatmore Art Studios, Cape Town (SA); Kunsthuis SYB (NL); The Frans Masereel Centrum (BE), and Hangar (SP).
She has been ominated to The Young Belgian Art Prize’15/ BOZAR Brussels, has won The Miquel Casablancas Art Price'15/ SAC, La Biennal d’Art de Valls Price'17/ Guasch Coranty Foundation, the third Price of La 15ª Mostra de Arte Naturgy'18/ MAC A Coruña, The Generación'18 Grant/ Fundación Montemadrid, and The Leonardo Grant'19/ BBVA Fundation.
GALERIA: Joan Prats Gallery
Emissió Periòdica Definitiva. Sant Corneli Art, Cardedeu (SP) 2017
Donació, curated by Latitudes. BGW/ Arús Public Library (SP) 2017
Grains Become Brittle. Anouk Vilain Gallery, Hasselt (BE) 2016
Promenade, 105 Besme, Brussels (BE) 2016
Flag Dancing Moves, curated by [or nothing]. World Trade Centre, Brussels (BE) 2016
Rhythm Exercise. Galeria Joan Prats, Barcelona (SP) 2015
Doble Autorització, curated by Oriol Fontdevila. Espai13, Miró Foundation, Barcelona (SP) 2014
Amnèsies, curated by Alexandra Laudo. Sala Montcunill, Terrassa (SP) 2012
El Gegant Menhir. Museu Abelló, Mollet (SP) 2011
Mitos del futuro próximo/ Fotonoviembre. TEA, Tenerife (SP) 2019
Otros Campos. CEDAN, Huesca (SP) 2019
15a Mostra de Arte Naturgy. MAC, A Coruña (SP) 2018
Habitación, in collaboration with Pedro G. Romero. CA2M/ LaNau/ MNAC (SP) 2018
Generación'18. La Casa Encendida, Madrid (SP) 2018
Flight Mode. Assembly Point, London (UK) 2018
Biennal de Valls. Museu d’Art de Valls, Tarragona (SP) 2018
Itinera; Project Room, curated by Fuoricampo, Palazzo Patrizi, Siena (IT) 2018
Confluencias. Art Nou, Galeria Joan Prats, Barcelona (SP) 2017
Surprise. Netwerk, Aalst (BE) 2016
Contesting/contexting SPORT. NGbK/ Kunstamt Kreuzberg Bethanien, Berlin (GE) 2016
La grande galerie du foot; foot foraine, curated by Jean-Max Colard. La Vilette, Paris (FR) 2016
Cohabitar entre-, Centre d’Art Fabra i Coats, Barcelona (SP) 2016
La Història es repeteix més de dues vegades, curated by Miguel Amado, Sant Andreu Contemporani, Barcelona (SP) 2015
Boicot i trabanqueta, curated by Joana Llauradó. Centre d’Art Maristany, Sant Cugat, Barcelona (SP) 2015
Prova Rebutjada (Tout va bien). Galeria Joan Prats, Barcelona (SP) 2015
Young Belgian Art Price 2015. BOZAR, Brussels (BE) 2015
Gran Angular. Sant Andreu Contemporani. Barcelona (SP) 2016
Red Dawn, curated by Gertrud Sandquist. HISK, Gent (BE) 2014
A Whitsun Wedding. Episode 2, curated by Hans Theys. Galerie EL, Welle, (BE) 2014
Write of Spring. Extra Muros - Het Paviljoen, HISK/ SMAK/ KIOSK. Gent (BE) 2014
Narrativas domésticas: más allá del álbum familiar, curated by Joana Hurtado. Visiona, Programa de la imagen de Huesca (SP) 2013
Los Inmutables, curated by David Armengol & Jordi Antas. DAFO, Space & Projects of Contemporay Art, Lleida (SP) 2013
Learn and Teach. Greatmore Art Studios, Cape Town (SA) 2013
Campo de Desconcentración Polivalente. Alcontar, Almería (ES) 2012
CAMPUS 2011, curated by Latitudes. Espacio Caja Madrid, Barcelona (SP)
La Gran Aventura, curated by David Armengol. Can Felipa Arts Visuals, Barcelona (SP) 2010
Projectes desl.localitzats, curated by Marti Peran. Sala d'Art Jove de la Generalitat, Barcelona (SP) 2008
La ilusión del pirata (The Pirate Illusion), curated by David Bestue & Pauline Fontdevila. Sant Andreu Contemporary, Barcelona (SP) 2008
Seminar: Resonances/disonances of history and memory in global contemporaneity. In the framework of MoDe(s)2 – Modernidad(es) Descentralizada(s): arte, política y contracultura en el eje transatlántico durante la Guerra Fría II. History Faculty, Barcelona University, Barcelona (SP) 2020
Seminar: Contemporaneity and Transition; an approximation from the South of Europe/ Fight and Repression Memories Round Table. La Corrala Cultural Centre/ Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid (SP) 2018
The Innate Democratic Factor, conference at the colloquium ‘Art, Creation and Mental Health; The Clinic in Art’. Maresme Continuum/ Tàpies Foundation (SP) 2018
Screening of ‘Thaïs, Third Act’, in conversation with Pedro G. Romero & Núria Enguita. CA2M, Madrid (SP) 2018
Round Table: Painting as Commitment. Gorvy Lecture Theatre. Royal College of Art/ Journal of Contemporary Painting issue 3.1+2, Intellect Journals, London (UK) 2017
A Visit to the CP Nel Museum with Mo, book launch in conversation with Francesc Ruiz. Múltiplos, Barcelona (SP) 2016
Louwrien Wijers talks with Kasper Bosmans, Marthe Ramm Fortun & Lola Lasurt. Rongwrong Space for Art & Theory (Amsterdam), Art Brussels (BE).
Screening and conversation with Marge Monko, Lola Lasurt & Caroline Dumalin. Estonian Contemporary Art Development Centre, Brussels (BE) 2015
Kick%Sync%Trans, on de-normalizing/ gendering sport. Constant, Art and Media Asociation. De Beursschouwburg, Brussels (BE) 2015
A des-tiempo: derivas por la historia y procesos de participación. Master ProdArt. Universidad de Barcelona, 2015
Open talk with Lola Lasurt. Rusia Galería, San Miguel de Tucuman (AR) 2014
Monument a Ferrer i Guardia - 24 FOTOS. Book launch. La Caníbal, Barcelona (SP) 2014
Fénix i el cami del foc. Workshop for children, an educational program curated by Antoni Hervas. Sant Andreu Contemporary, Barcelona (SP) 2014
Inaki Bonillas seen by Lola Lasurt. La Virreina Centre de la Imatge, Barcelona (SP) 2012
Dialogos en vivo'12. Exchange between Moroccan & Spanish artists. Fundación Internacional del Teatro del Mediterraneo/ Rabat Humanities University (MO)
SE BUSCA, work presentation curated by Stamatina Gregory, independent curator. A project by La Pinta/ Ramon Llull Institut/ Hangar. MACBA Auditorium, Barcelona (SP)
The Leonardo Grant to Art Research'19/ BBVA Fundation.
15a Mostra de Arte Naturgy (third prize). MAC, A Coruña (SP) 2018
Guasch Coranty Prise/ City of Valls Foundation Award (SP) 2017
Generación’18, Montemadrid Foundation (SP) 2015
Miquel Casablancas Award. Sant Andreu Contemporary (SP) 2015
The Young Belgian Art Prize, nominated candidate, BOZAR (BE) 2014
Research & Creation Grant in Visual Arts, CONCA (SP) 2013
Olot City Grant for curatorial projects (with the Leland Palmer Collective), EspaiZERO1 (SP) 2008
Delocalized Projects’08, Sala d'Art Jove, Generalitat de Catalunya (SP)
Erasmus Grant, Accademia di Belle Arti Pietro Vanucci, Perugia (IT)
3 Piedras/ CDAN, Ara, Huesca (SP) 2019
Itinera, Siena (IT) 2016
Frans Masereel Centrum, Kasterlee (BE) 2015
La Ene, Buenos Aires (AR) 2014
Kunsthuis SYB, Friesland (NL) 2013
Greatmore Art Studios, Cape Town (SA) 2012
Espai EArt, Barcelona 2010
Hangar, Centre for Art Research and Production. Barcelona 2008
HISK, Higher Institute for Fine Arts. Post-Academic Program, Ghent (BE) 2013-2014
Bachelor in Fine Arts. Faculty of Fine Arts, Barcelona University (SP) 2001-2005