Vive y trabaja en Madrid / Lives and works in Madrid
Artista e investigadora, trabaja en diferentes medios como la fotografía, el vídeo el diseño gráfico o la escultura. Con sus proyectos cuestiona discursos, dinámicas y retóricas que han sido asumidas en el ámbito del arte contemporáneo, la imagen o la filosofía. Su producción tanto teórica como práctica, se centra en la trasformación del paradigma postmoderno en relación con la cultura visual digital.
Esta línea de investigación intereses la ha llevado a generar propuestas que desafían formas tradicionales de producción, exhibición y documentación. Su obra ha sido expuesta internacionalmente en lugares como la Bienal de Liverpool en el año 2014 o The Billboard Creative en Los Ángeles en 2016. A nivel nacional ha expuesto entre otros espacios en el CCCB de Barcelona, la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid, o el Centro de Arte Joven de la Comunidad de Madrid. Además su proyecto de investigación doctoral, que está desarrollando en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid bajo el título Transfotografía o la Deriva Postfotográfica: una relectura de la teoría fotográfica en la era Post-Internet, ha recibido el apoyo de instituciones como la Fundación Banco Santander o la Universidad de Córdoba.
Ira Lombardía is an artist and researcher who works in different media such as photography, video, graphic design or sculpture. With her work she questions discourses, dynamics and rhetorics that have been assumed in the realm of contemporary art, image and philosophy. The production, both theoretical and practical, focuses on the transformation of the postmodern paradigm in relation to the digital visual culture.
This line of research interest has led to generate proposals that challenge traditional forms of production, exhibition and documentation. Her work has been exhibited internationally in venues such as the Liverpool Biennial in 2014 or The Billboard Creative in Los Angeles in 2016 or Festival Europeo de Fotografía in Regio Emilia, Italy. At a national level she has exhibited among other spaces in the CCCB of Barcelona, the National Library of Madrid and the Center Of Young Art of the Community of Madrid. In addition, her doctoral research project, which she is developing at the Complutense University of Madrid under the title Transfotography or Postphotographic Derivative: a re reading of photographic theory in the Post-Internet era, has received the support of institutions such as the Banco Santander Foundation, The University of Córdoba.
2014- Present
PhD candidate (pending, all but dissertation, expected 2019) Image, Technology, and Design Department; Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Thesis title: Transphotography or the Posthotographic drift: A Rereading of Photographic Theory in the Postinternet Era
ABD Doctoral Candidate. Research proficiency, Doctoral Comprehensive Exam. Faculty of Fine Arts, Universidad Complutense de Madrid,
MA Photography, PhotoEspaña and Universidad Europea de Madrid
MFA Theory and Practice of Contemporary Visual Arts, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
LLB, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Influencer, Alarcón Criado Gallery, Sevilla, Spain
The End of the Index Logic, Combo Independent Art Space, Córdoba, Spain
It’s not about looking,It´s about reading.Moisés Pérez de Albéniz Gallery, Madrid
Nguein, Arrópame Gallery, Bilbao
The Origin of my World, Municipal Art Gallery, Langreo , Sopro Gallery, Lisbon
A Cabine, Sopro Gallery, Lisbon
An Interfered Landscape, Curator: Abel Hernandez. Young Art Center, Madrid, Spain.
About Planting a Tree Upside Down and Asking if it is Still a Tree, Municipal Culture Gallery, Avilés, Spain
Lactic Dialectic, Sopro Gallery, Lisbon, Portugal.
ARCO 2017. Madrid Art Fair, Alarcón Criado Gallery, Sevilla, Spain
Lockers. Curators: Borja Llobregat and Diego Díez MNCARS, Madrid. Spain.
Adorno was Wrong, Curator: Mona Kuhn. The Billboard Creative Show, L.A. USA
Me acuerdo, Curator: Jesús Alcaide, Alarcón Criado Gallery, Sevilla, Spain
Sobreexposición. Curator: Junajo Santos MAC, Museum of Contemporary art. Santiago de Chile, Chile
Undocuments, Curator: Jesús Alcaide. Combo Independent Art Space,Córdoba, Spain
Cartography of Reality, Curator: Sara Rubinow. Centre d’Art La Panera, Lleida, Spain
Not All Photographs are Records, Curator: Lorenzo Fusi.Open Eye Gallery, Liverpool Biennal, UK
Resonancias estocásticas,Sitio Festival, Tenerife, Spain
Exposición Sub/verso, Cosmopoética Festival. Curator: Jesús Alcaide. Fundación Antonio Gala. Córdoba, Spain
Parallel Universes, Curators: Pepe Isla and Laura Bravo. Hospedería Fonseca, Salamanca, Spain And Francisco Oller Art Gallery and Fine Art Gallery 209, Puerto Rico
Spanish Artists’ Books from Libros Mutantes, the Madrid Art Book Fair. Curator: Max Schumann. Printed Matter, PS1, New York. USA
Libros Mutantes, the Madrid Art Book Fair, Curator: Roberto Vidal. La Casa Encendida, Madrid
A Thousand Pieces. Curator: Roberto Vidal. Off Gallery, Just Madrid, Madrid
Sparks, F Gallery, Madrid
Without Departing from the Groove, Curator: Natalia Gimenez. Begoña Malone Gallery, Madrid
Complutense Foundation Award, National Library, Madrid , Spain
A Lin’s Portrait, Young Creators of the City of Madrid , Spain
After the Battle, Visual Arts Young Award, ILC, Leon, Spain
Stockartist Group Exhibition, Open Gallery, Berlin
Nghein, Space Maus Habitós, Oporto, Portugal
Arte Lisboa, Contemporary art fair, Sopro Gallery, Lisbon
III Monographic Media Art, VI International Festival of the Image, Manizales, Colombia
Monterrey International Film Festival, Mexico
Festival Les Instants Vidéo, 20th edition, Gaza, Palestine (traveled to Beirut, Lebanon; Avignon, Marseille, Valence, France)
Images Against Nature, International Festival of Experimental Video, Marseille
Mostra Collective Video, Museum of Natural History, Lisbon
BAC 06, International contemporary arts festival, CCCB, Barcelona
Abstracta 06, Roma, Italy D-Neef, International film festival, Vitoria 2006 Exis
Experimental Film and Video Festival, Seoul
Arte Lisboa, Contemporary art fair, Sopro Gallery, Lisbon
OBSESSION, International Video Art Festival, Istanbul, Turquey.
Images Contra Nature, International Festival of Experimental Video, Marseilles, France
The First and the Last Experimental International Film Festival, Sydney, Australia
Mínima, Mostra de Video Curt, Valencia, Spain
The Billboard Creative. International Exhibition Call. Los Angeles, USA
Nominee for the Post-Photography Prototyping Prize (P3). Fotomuseum Winterthur and Julius Baer Foundation. Switzerland
UCO-LF. International Contemporary Photography Grant. Córdoba University and La Fragua Artist Residency Program.
Entreacto award, Fundación Banco Santander
XXI Fine Arts Exhibition of Asturias Award
Young Artists Competition Madrid City Council( Accesit )
Complutense Young Artists Foundation Award
Solo Exhibition Award at Young Art Centre, Call for Young Creation of Madrid
Award at the 42nd Gijón Film Festival. First Prize.
Lecture: “Image - Objects dynamics”. PLURAL 16. EFTI. Madrid
Panel Discussion: “Image against the wall”. PLURAL 16. EFTI. Madrid
Lecture: “ Ultraimage” MAC, Museum of Contemporary art. Santiago de Chile, Chile
Panel Discussion: “Liquid image” and “poor image”: changes in social organization represented in the new formats and image resolutions.
DONE 16. Fotocolectania. Barcelona
Panel Discussion:From printed image to the image- object. DONE 16. Fotocolectania. Barcelona
Lecture, “The End of the Index Logic,” Philosophy Faculty, UCO ( Córdoba University). Córdoba
Talk, “The new image status as a document,”
Re-view, Encounters about Image, Córdoba, Spain
Lecture, “Post, Post, Post; Dynamics of Postculture.” Jaal Photo, Madrid.
Workshop, “Formats, Printing methods and Installation of Contemporary and Digital Photography,” Graduate Program in Design, Istituto Europeo di Design Madrid, Madrid
Artist Talk, Liverpool Biennial, Open Eye Gallery, UK
Talk, “It’s Not About Looking. It’s About Reading,” Istituto Europeo di Design Madrid, Madrid
Talk, “The Image in the Era of Contemporary Hypervisuality,” Encontexto. Encounters about photography, La Casa Encendida, Madrid
Lecture, “The Importance of Photographic Theory,” Discussions about contemporary photography, La Central del Reina Sofía, Madrid
A Thousand Pieces, Matadero Madrid, Madrid
Speech Disorder (Artist’s book), Madrid: Ira Lombardía, 2015.
And I think to my selfffffffffff what a wonderful worlllllllllld (Artist’s book). Madrid: Ira Lombardía, 2014.
The Measure: A Rereading of the Postmodern Condition of Lyotard (Artist’s book). Madrid: Ira Lombardía, 2014.
A Thousand Pieces (Artist’s zine). Madrid: RV.PAPERS, 2013.
The Venetian Door (Artist’s book). Madrid: Ira Lombardía, 2012.