'Abertura | Opening'-2013 Intervención en institución / Intervention in institution Video document, VHS, 10min. Still: opening of Louise Bourgeois’ Spider at Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo, 1997.
'Aparentemente Si | Apparently Yes'-2014 Collares de Baile funk intercambiados por telefono movil / Baile funk chokers traded for an old celphone Tamaño variable / variable size.
'Caminhada Silenciosa | Silent Walk'-2012-14 Accion para 15 personas / Performance for 15 people, 8 horas / hours. Photo: cortesy of Daragh Reeves, 2012
'Dissimulado'-2010, Performance Microphone, Tom Jobim lyrics, software made by the artist 12min photo: Pedro Victor Brandão
'DubRoom'-2012 Sound installation Baile funk soundsystem, Gilberto Gil song, software made by the artist, programmed lighting Variable size
'Garganta'-2010 Sound installation, Contact microphones, quadraphonic audio, software made by the artist variable size and duration
'Imprevisibilidade e Justeza | Imprevisibility and Correctness'-2010 Performance featuring Arto Lindsay, Pedro Sá and Lisette Lagnado live guitar, voice, curatorial text, software made by the artist, live quadraphonic audio. 30min
'Knorr'-2014 Escultura/ Sculpture Supermarket display of curry sauce, contact microphone, compact amp 1,10m X 0,20m X 0,25m
'My Mistake'-2014 Instalacion / Installation Llaves desechadas intercambiadas con cerrajeros, puntillas y nylon / Discarded keys traded with locksmiths, nails, nylon. Tamano cariable / variable size
'Oco Soundsystem'-2013 Escultura / Sculpture Madera y tela / wood and fabric, 2.10m X 1.25m
'Pagode Blue'-2014 Escultura / Sculpture Red de seguridad, Campanillas de Samba y Acrilico / Safety net, samba bells, acrylic 1,00 X 1,10m
'Pagode Tangerine'-2014 Escultura / Sculpture Red de seguridad, Campanillas de Samba y Acrilico / Safety net, samba bells, acrylic 1,00 X 1,10m